This problem is coming in the mouth, may be the symptom of this disease - Day2Day Online Post


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Sunday, September 19, 2021

This problem is coming in the mouth, may be the symptom of this disease

 This happens due to fat, high BP, less sleep, more intoxication, and not including the right things in the lifestyle. If attention is not given in time, then it becomes a risk for other organs of the body as well.

Nowadays the risk of diabetes has increased a lot. Diabetes is also caused due to the high quantity of blood sugar in the body. These are also of two types. One is type 1, in which a person has the disease of diabetes genetically. And the second is type 2. It is caused by fat, high BP, less sleep, more intoxication, and not including the right things in the lifestyle. If attention is not given in time, then it becomes a risk for other organs of the body as well. So let us first tell you how this disease is detected.

One of the common and early symptoms of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is dry throat. In this, the patient's mouth starts drying excessively and his thirst also increases. The situation becomes such that he drinks all the water to the throat in one go. On the other hand, the second symptom is frequent dry mouth. Due to diabetes, people can have problems like burning the tongue or mouth. Some people may also feel itching in the mouth along with numbness in the tongue.

If you are also facing such problems, then be careful. This can be a sign of diabetes. In such a situation, consult a doctor immediately or else you will have to repent later. In the condition of diabetes, the immune system starts working very slowly. Apart from this, the high blood sugar level also affects the process of treatment. If your mouth ulcers or wounds are taking too much time to heal.

So this can also be a symptom of diabetes. In this condition, it is very important to treat the disease immediately. So get it checked up as soon as possible. In diabetic patients, the problems of tooth loss increase due to gum disease. 

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